
  • Writing about Food Graphic Thumbnail

    Writing about Food (online)

    Writing about food can be deep, rich, rewarding. After all, food writing can take practically any form. The goal of this workshop: to help you find your voice as a food writer. You’ll think, eat, and write about food. All levels welcome. Beginners and non-native speakers of English welcome.

  • The Art of Revision Graphic Thumbnail

    The Art of Revision

    “Writing is rewriting,” the adage tells us.


    But how do we rewrite? How do we decide what to leave in and what to take out? How do we determine the scope of a piece, devine its essence, know where to start and where to end? Do we edit line by line, paragraph by paragraph—or make the professional leap of re-thinking the piece first?

  • Writing Memoir (online)

    A personal essay is 3,000 percent easier to write than a short story, claims writer Carol Bly. The essay is indeed a scalable form. In fact, this is our starting point for Writing Memoir: the personal essay. During this weekend, you’ll get the coaching to create a complete personal essay—from idea to first draft.

  • The Short Story (online)

    Writing a short story is a wonderfully intricate process; we make countless creative decisions in the course of telling a single tale. During these two days, we’ll explore the most vital creative decisions and find what works for you as a storyteller.

  • The Novel

    During the weekend, you’ll get an overview of what it takes to complete a novel. You do not need to be working on a book to attend the workshop. Whether you’re a beginner or an established writer, you’ll be able to solicit the information and insights to get the words on the page.

  • Writing Nonfiction (online)

    “Creative nonfiction” can take so many forms: the profile or feature article, the travel piece, the review, the personal essay or memoir, and more. Compelling nonfiction transcends the mere factual.

  • Simply Writing (online)

    Do you only write when you have an assignment? What obstacles do you experience to writing? How can you structure your life in order to keep writing? How, exactly, do you finish a piece of writing? At Simply Writing, we’ll define ways of making writing a more natural process; more time-efficient; and more fun. Read more…