Simply Writing

See what people are saying

  • “What was the highlight of the two days? I can’t point out one particular thing—I would say experiencing the process together with the group. And a personal highlight: my first nonfiction piece! Another highlight: realizing you can write about anything, in any form.”

    Julie, April 9, 2017

  • “The instructor leads in a positive way. Not a single negative word, and when she is critical, again, she’s positive. Very constructive! The way she brings the group together is very beautiful.”

    Inge, April 9, 2017

  • “I now feel that over-planning or over-analysing contributes to paralysis in starting to write. Just start! I also learned that structuring my day will lead to starting, e.g., I have decided to start writing in the morning before leaving the house (getting up earlier).”

    JW, April 9, 2017

  • “It’s really hard to sum up such a wonderful workshop: two days packed with mentoring, exercises, “working out” with open-minded people in a humbling and friendly atmosphere. The workshop reinforced my motivation to write. Thank you for the mentoring.”

    Véronique, April 9, 2017

  • “I found out about ways to start writing and keep writing every day. This was a revelation for me. I particularly liked hearing all of the different ‘voices’ and the variety of styles. It gave me a lot to think about and to experience.”

    EC, April 9, 2017

  • “It was really helpful to (re-)discover that sometimes you need very little to get started. I also thoroughly enjoyed hearing all the pieces that people had written—and discussing various story techniques.”

    Josine, April 9, 2017

  • “I learned that writing it down is just the beginning of a more elaborate process of refining thoughts, of patching together a larger narrative. I was also reminded to be flexible with what I write: just because you start with it, doesn’t mean it has to be the beginning of your text.
    Throughout the two days, there was so much live information, from the instructor, and from everyone else in the class. Great workshop experience, but intense! The amount of generously imparted information came as a surprise :)”

    Alina, April 9, 2017

  • “I learned how to make the most of the time I have available for writing:
    • How to organize and use all my notes and all the writing that I used to consider “a waste.”
    • How to create a writing habit.
    • How to be more efficient with my writing.
    Lisa is an amazing mentor, and it’s always great to attend her workshops.”

    Maria, March 27, 2017