Simply Writing

See what people are saying

  • “I discovered that it’s not always the topic of the literature that moves me, it’s the style of writing… The workshop was great fun and very inspiring.”

    Ina, January 16, 2013

  • “I learned about different structures for an essay—and about some authors I would like to read more of.

    The instructor has obviously been doing this for a long time. She was very well prepared. She respected everyone’s comments and input. Everyone’s piece was given in-depth analysis.”

    Anna, January 16, 2013

  • “I learned different structures for essays. With a defined structure in mind, it is easier to scale a short personal essay to a longer one.

    When I wrote my essay this time, the feeling of flow was great.

    Am I planning to continue writing personal essays? Definitely, but in Chinese.”

    Sun Tian, January 16, 2013

  • “I learned:

    – How to identify and use the key elements that make a personal essay
    – How to finish an essay

    I had already taken this class before, but each time, I find myself learning new techniques and improving on what I already know.

    Great group of people, useful comments and suggestions. A safe and nurturing environment for writers.”

    Isabella, January 16, 2013

  • “I learned to not hold back and to reveal myself freely. I learned to make my experience universal. I learned to structure my writing.”

    Raina, January 16, 2013

  • “I learned:
    – that I write for myself first
    – the value of using prompts
    – to tolerate the emotional and intellectual pain of the writing process
    – to not judge the work that comes from my pen
    – to take my writing process seriously and to approach it professionally
    – about being worthy of being a writer
    – to read like a writer
    – about the best time to write

    I felt respected and taken seriously.”

    Rina, November 25, 2012

  • “The workshop reminded me of the classes I took at university when I was studying English literature and how much I have always enjoyed reading and talking about writing/fiction/poetry etc. I also realised how much I have forgotten. My favourite part was discussing each work and particularly the positive approach taken.

    This is the way I felt after the workshop: as if the clouds in my head had cleared away. The instructor has a very refreshing approach to writing and teaching—making the material more personal is very effective.”

    Tessa, November 25, 2012

  • “I learnt many things, the most important being how to ‘read’ myself in order to communicate, how to just sit down and ‘generate’, what it takes to just get it out and written, and how to leave judgment and criticism off page. These workshops are such a motivational experience for all of us who need ‘a push’ (and I know we are many!)”

    Romina, November 25, 2012