Simply Writing

See what people are saying

  • “I learned about lots of practical and conceptual tools to help me get started with the writing, making it a regular habit. There was some great advice on how to work through obstacles, and more individual attention than I expected, which was very helpful and engaging. I feel more confident setting off on my own writing journey now that I’ve got a toolkit to help me get words onto the page. This class was a very validating experience, and made me feel seen and heard as a writer, despite not being very experienced.”

    Natalia, October 31, 2022

  • “My main challenge in writing has been self-censorship/judgment of my own work. Before joining the workshop, I was a little skeptical about whether two afternoons of ‘Simply Writing’ sessions would transform my writing skills in any meaningful way; I was wrong. It was transformational to see the kind of creativity, vulnerability and imagination people in the group demonstrated in just two afternoons. The contribution of this class to my development cannot be measured by what I wrote for the class, but by what I learned (including from others in the group) about how to be more comfortable with my own writing. After this workshop, I started writing – simply writing – and I am loving it.

    Thank you to Lisa, and to all the members of our cohort, for a wonderful weekend of creativity and connection.”

    Dawit, October 30, 2022

  • “I learned a great deal in a short period of time. Writing without judging what I produce was an eye-opening lesson. The workshop gave me confidence to try a wide range of writing styles.

    Evelyn, October 30, 2022

  • “I really enjoyed the Simply Writing workshop – it left me with lots to think about as I move forward with my writing project. The workshop helped me get more acquainted with the writing process, to get to know more about what works for me, and to understand how I can leverage that knowledge to make my project a reality.

    The workshop made me realize how important it is to meet other writers and learn from their experiences. I really enjoyed the exchanges and listening to what others had to say – there was a true collaborative spirit in the group, as well as great respect for each person’s work.”

    Gaby, October 30, 2022

  • “I loved being able to see how others at the workshop think. In the end, what connects us are human struggles, and what differentiates us is what we write. Before the workshop, I did not consider myself to be a writer; now I do.”

    Adriana, January 29, 2022

  • “The Simply Writing workshop is a revelation; I recommend them to any writer searching for their voice.”

    W. Antonio, January 29, 2022

  • “It was a very motivating weekend for me – in fact, I’ve started a new writing routine! The Simply Writing workshop helped me learn the importance of having a safe space in which to share what I write. Putting my writing before an audience of like-minded people felt like a very natural way to grow as a writer.

    I’m very grateful for all the thoughtful comments on my writing; I found them quite inspiring. And I appreciated the way in which [the presenter] facilitated the workshop, bringing in the different backgrounds and interests of attendees.”

    Carlos, January 29, 2022

  • “The weekend workshop was immersive and immediately useful. While I came to the workshop with curiosity, I left with confidence, and the enthusiasm to keep writing. I’m looking forward to the next workshop.”

    Karen, May 22, 2021