“We all have at least one book in us.”
– Elizabeth Daly

National Novel Writing Month Kick-off

November is National Novel Writing Month!

Each year, NaNoWriMo, as it's called, draws tens of thousands of writers worldwide.

The challenge? To draft a novel in 30 days.

Join us on Saturday, November 2nd, when Lisa Friedman will kick off the month-long writing marathon. In a 2.5-hour workshop, we'll reveal the professional approach to being productive—and getting that first draft of your book on the page.

Come to:
Amsterdam Central Library
Saturday, November 2nd
2 – 4:30 PM
Host: Lisa Friedman of the
Amsterdam Writing Workshops

  • Contact us for dates, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

  • Taught by Lisa Friedman

  • Venue: Amsterdam Central Library - get directions

  • Have questions about this workshop? Call us +31 (0) 62 502 0817 or send us an email.

Workshop times listed are in Amsterdam time (CEST).

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