“I gained a deeper understanding of the structure of a short story and what makes a good short story. I personally learned that it is, indeed, possible for me to write a short story and I felt empowered following this workshop. This was my 3rd workshop and I felt the most comfortable I’ve ever felt. With all of my previous anxieties (i.e. the fear of having my work read aloud, fear of what others would think of me as a beginning, inexperienced writer) erased, I felt more clear-headed about approaching my writing and I just felt more free, uninhibited, and able to write. As a result, I feel more encouraged than ever to continue writing. The instructor is a master at creating a safe place for new writers to experience various forms of writing and to challenge themselves to write. The workshops inspire writing. I took my first workshop 9 months ago and have almost not missed a day of writing since! The instructor also has a gift for reading the work of others and when the pieces of each class member are read aloud, it is an absolute joy to hear the writing of others. More importantly, her manner somehow assuages the anxiety one might feel in having his/her own work read aloud. The format the instructor employs is the perfect way for a writer to expose him/herself to the input of others. It was an extremely positive, encouraging experience.”