
“I happen to be a complete beginner; I’d never taken a writing class in my life, but I learned so much! I learned to be a better writer—which I expected—but I came out of the workshop a better reader as well. I’m more appreciative and aware of the craft and technique(s) involved in writing.

During the workshop, it became clear that revision is not simply cleaning up the text here and there but [revision] is an integral part of the process of writing—that was very exciting to me. I feel that I can now approach writing in a much more playful and experimental way, discovering my voice as I go along. Revision makes this possible because you don’t have to get it right the first time. The idea that your original text can—and probably should—change drastically during the process of rewriting was freeing. I thought it would be arduous, but it was, in fact, very creative. I liked the balance between the creative and the analytical.”