The Novel

See what people are saying

  • “Had a really enjoyable time on this 2-day workshop. The instructor goes out of her way to ensure everyone feels at ease – great informal and highly supportive atmosphere results in a thoroughly satisfying experience. Many thanks to all involved !”

    Andrew, September 2, 2014

  • “I learned how to work with loose and disconnected pieces towards a focused idea. I also realised that the part of the reason why I sometimes feel stuck is that I don’t have the perspective clear. It was a very safe and supportive environment that I enjoyed very much. I have learned so much this past year. I am looking forward to continuing learning and developing my writing in whatever form and shape that may be.”

    Solveig, September 2, 2014

  • “I learned what makes a novel work, how to create setting, a unique voice, and apply specific devices to create compelling characters. Lastly, but Maybe most important, I learned about following my own literary intuition. The workshop gave me more insight into my own reasons for wanting to write. It felt good to be amongst peers and to hear about the struggles we all experience; it made me feel less isolated. I think the instructor a great teacher and particularly liked the way she helped us understand how the novel works. I also enjoyed hearing the different contributions.”

    Shelia, September 2, 2014

  • “It felt very inspiring to be in a room full of novelists.”

    Pam, September 2, 2014

  • “It was really great to read all the work and to see real people interested in learning how to do this.”

    Jaqui, September 2, 2014

  • “I am so jazzed from the workshop. I’ve taken many writing workshops in L.A., and none have left me with such a feeling of clarity and satisfaction. I love the handout, too, and have pored over it. My perspective has grown clearer on the art and craft of novel writing. Many nagging doubts have been assuaged. I see the road ahead and am unafraid. You’ve helped me sprint to whole new level of confidence. I learned is that I am not alone, or way off track, with my process. (more…)

    PJ, September 2, 2014

  • “First of all I would like to thank you for another amazing weekend that proved truly inspiring, even more so than the last workshop I attended. I’ve always felt I needed a more nurturing environment for talking about writing and what drove me and you’ve provided that for me, so thank you so much. I learned that I can have a focus on the characters and have them drive any plot I might set out to write. The questions that were raised in the group, and the suggestions you made about where this character could go were very helpful as a means of developing the character. (more…)

    Dana, September 2, 2014

  • “I feel re-committed to making the novel happen. It was great to hear everyone’s very diverse writing voices and material that interested them. It makes one realise that writing is so individual and universal at the same time.”

    Natascha, September 2, 2014