The Art of Revision

See what people are saying

  • “My expectations were to learn some techniques and ‘rules of thumb’ that I could incorporate into my writing now, so that the revision process would be much more efficient.

    Not only were my expectations exceeded with the quality of advice and the techniques, but I received ENERGY and MOTIVATION to work on my writing.”

    Tim, March 10, 2010

  • “…Insights and well-explained revision processes – a wealth of useful information relayed. I found the handout to be well structured, and it covered all the major revision themes. There was also an exchange of ideas and discussions on these processes – something that helped give the workshop a life of its own.”

    Samir, March 10, 2010

  • “I didn’t know what to do next with my work. I was stuck. I was in a mood of self-criticism and self-doubt. What the hell did I write? This class helped me get out of that mood. Thank you!!!! I was able to move on with my piece.”

    Maria, March 10, 2010

  • “The course captured my attention the entire eight hours. All questions were answered in a considered and thoughtful way. What was missing from the experience? I can’t think of anything. I’ve always found that cookies help me think. ;-)”

    Barbara, March 10, 2010

  • “Thank you for the instruction on ‘The Art of Revision.’ The material covered in the class met my expectations and has been very helpful in my efforts.”

    Dan, March 10, 2010

  • “It was an eye-opener that revision can be done systematically. I was glad to hear of other revision techniques that I’m now already using! I also feel that it’s beneficial to hear about other people’s revision problems, because they are mine, too.”

    Marijke, March 10, 2010